Liz’s Story

In 2015, at the age of 44, I sought treatment for an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Some individuals found my decision to seek further help perplexing, especially considering I had already been sober for five months. However, I was acutely aware of my need for comprehensive support. This wasn’t my first attempt at sobriety. Those who questioned the necessity of my actions failed to perceive the daily struggles within my own mind.


Each morning, I would wake up with a sense of possibility and productivity. Despite the frequent hangovers, I would write in my journal and chart out my day. There was always a glimmer of optimism in those early hours. However, as the day progressed and evening approached, my resolve weakened. I would go from affirming my commitment to sobriety to justifying a single drink as a reward for my productivity. Yet, that single drink never stayed singular. As the years passed, I began hiding my consumption from my husband, who only wanted the best for me. What was once perceived as care and concern became an obstacle to obtaining alcohol.


Stigma further complicated my journey. People I confided in tried to convince me that I couldn’t possibly have an AUD because I didn’t fit their preconceived notion of what a person looks like when they have a serious problem with alcohol. What they, and I, didn’t realize was that many individuals with active addictions lead seemingly functional lives. They maintain stable homes, and steady employment, pay their bills, and spend time with their families.

My journey toward healing started when I began attending peer support meetings. Amidst the sharing of personal struggles,  I frequently encountered mentions of various support avenues, including Serenity Renewal for Families. Before long, I found myself fully engaged in a weekend workshop under the nurturing guidance of Sister Louise Dunn and Wally Clare. Together, we embarked on the task of identifying obstructive behaviors, ranging from dishonesty to impatience, as we worked towards healing. The compassion extended not only from Sister Louise and Wally but also by the overall environment at Serenity Renewal for Families.

It was a place that made me feel safe to share and explore my past while looking forward to seeing a potentially brighter future.

Several years down the road, our family turned to Serenity Renewal for Families once again, this time seeking assistance for my husband as he grappled with the effects of a spouse dealing with AUD. The Anger and Resentment workshop proved to be a significant aid for him in navigating his challenges.


At three years of sobriety, we made the decision to participate in the Couple Communications workshop. Although I was on a positive trajectory, the lingering effects of AUD on our communication skills prompted

 us to seek additional support and tools. The convenience of accessing both individual and family programs under one roof alleviated the uncertainty of where to turn for support.


Beyond the array of valuable programs offered, what truly sets Serenity Renewal for Families apart is its steadfast commitment to ensuring that no individual is ever turned away due to financial constraints. This inclusive policy ensures that all, regardless of their financial circumstances, can access the support they so desperately need.


This is where the role of donors becomes paramount. It is through your unwavering support that Serenity Renewal for Families is able to extend its invaluable services, ensuring that vital programs remain accessible to anyone reaching out for assistance.

For the past 41 years, Serenity Renewal for Families has been a beacon of hope and support for individuals and families grappling with addiction and related challenges. I am a testament to the transformative power of their offerings and am deeply grateful for the generosity that fuels their endeavors.

Wishing you a joyous and healthy Easter season, and expressing my heartfelt gratitude in advance for your contribution. Your support holds the potential to make a significant difference.

Warm regards,





P.S. Please consider making a gift today. Thanks to the generous support of a couple of individual donors, your contribution will be matched, doubling its impact.

Serenity Renewal for Families provides counselling and educational programs to individuals and families struggling with addiction. The majority of our clients require financial assistance. Your gift ensures everyone has the same access to services and the same opportunities for change to move beyond their current circumstances.